• Club Motto: JSA is here for you. 

    Club Objectives: Bring a Jewish life to Lamar. Create a safe space for Jewish students to express/learn about their Jewish roots. 

    Activity Descriptions: All activities will either be teaching about customs, traditions, holidays, and Jewish religion in general. Lots of crafts, kahoots, and games.

    Membership Requirements: You have to be Jewish or interested in Jewish culture. 



    Meeting Location: N111

    Meeting Time & Date: Every other Monday 11:45 - 12:45 

  • Sponsor:

    Mr. Fisher


    Rabbi Nati Stern 


    President: Yael Namer 

    Vice-President: Karen Trwitz 

    Secretary: Lane Miller 

    Treasurer: Logan Mendelovitz 

    Parliamentarian: TBD 

    Historian: TBD