• AWARDS: One Award of Excellence is given to an 8th grade student for each subject area and to students of each cluster recognizing outstanding achievement. Awards listed below are given to recognize significant contributions and achievements on the part of our 8th grade students:


    IB Awards:                                 Exhibits Character of the IB Profile in Specified Trait

    Hughes Award:                           Outstanding Citizenship

    Scarborough Award:                    Excellence in Math

    Lanier’s Scholar Award:               Outstanding All-Around 8th grade boys and girls

    Edith Earle Award:                      Outstanding Office Assistant

    The Principal’s Cup:                    Outstanding Contribution to the School Community

    Ron Sass Award:                        Excellence in Science

    Ruth Red Choral Award Excellence in Choral Music


    Students from all grade levels can also earn IB Awards throughout the year for exhibiting the IB Learner Profiles. These students are nominated by their teachers and administrators.