Criteria for Grading Academic Subjects:                      Criteria for Grading Conduct Traits:

    90 – 100            Excellent work quality, mastery              E          Excellent Behavior

    80 – 89             Good work quality; consistent effort      S          Satisfactory; cooperates readily

    75 – 79             Satisfactory work; average                    P          Poor behavior; below average

    70 – 74             Work quality is below expectations        U          Unsatisfactory behavior

    69 or below       Failing


    Note: Parents can stay apprised of their children’s grades by utilizing the Parent/Student Connect Portal. A link to register for the portal is available at the top of this website (www.purplepups.org).


    Secondary Conduct Average: The marks which result in lowering the student’s conduct average must be given by two different teachers, in two different classes.


    E          Conduct is E unless two marks lower than E are recorded

    S          No U’s, not more than one P, and at least one S

    P          Two or more P’s & no U’s OR at least one U and any other conduct grade below E

    U          Two or more U’s


    Note: Parents will be notified of the possibility for a “P” prior to the student receiving a “P”. Parents will be notified of the possibility for a “U” prior to the student receiving a “U”. In either situation, the expectation will be that the parent provides intervention at home to effect a behavior change so that the undesirable “P” or “U” will not be assigned. In addition, a “U” may only be assigned with the grade level administrator’s permission.