• By registering with PSconnect, students and parents can access HISD digital resources. A student PSconnect account, also known as an HISD Network account , allows a student to login to GradeSpeed, APEX, The Hub, district computers, and other digital resources. A parent account allows parents to access GradeSpeed.
    If at anytime you forget your password, you can register as a first-time user with PSconnect to reset your password and find out your username.
    To reset  or change your PSconnect / HISD Network account password, you can re-apply for your network account as though you were a first-time user. 
    If you get an "incorrect information" error, or don't have that information, see your teacher, librarian, or attendance clerk to verify your registration information (see step 3) with what the district has on record in the Chancery student information system.
    Follow the steps below:
    1) When you click on the password reset link below, you'll be directed to the PSconnect Registration page to begin:  

     2) Accept the terms of use, after reading through them. Then click on "Agree" box before hitting continue.
    3) Enter in the Student or Parent information.
    If you get an error or don't have that information. See the your teacher, librarian, or attendance clerk to verify your registration information.
     4) Finally you will need to create security questions and answers for future password reset options. This will be your last step before choosing a password.
     5) Choosing a password will be your last step. Read these password guidelines.
    A password should be fairly strong. Strong passwords are:
    1. 8 characters long
    2. At least one special character, eg (!@#$%^&*()_+)
    3. At least one capital letter
    4. At least one number, eg (123456789)
    Good examples of strong passwords@Magical49 or $BikeRide101 or $inger2013
Last Modified on August 29, 2014