College Corner
Welcome to Lamar’s College Corner! We are so excited to have you at Lamar and help you plan your next steps after you graduate. For some, that means 4-year colleges and universities. For others, it may be a 2-year school that will lead to a 4-year college or university. Some of you want to jump into the workforce with certifications in specific trades or medical programs. Whatever and wherever you see yourself, we are here to help you along the way! Making a plan is the first place to start.
Located for easy access on the second floor of the new building, Lamar’s College Corner is a center for information and assistance for students of all grades to explore post-high school plans, colleges, and careers.
Our mission is to reach every parent and student so that each graduate has a plan for postgraduate education. The College Corner hosts college admission advisor visits, career seminars, parent meetings, and advocacy programs, all designed to give every student and family the information needed to maximize their high school academic experience and navigate the college admission and financial aid process.
Assistance in Spanish is available during school hours from one of our advisors.
Do you want to schedule an appointment with one of our college corner specialists?
Sign up for a time using this link or by scanning the QR-Code
College Corner News
For the latest college information
Please check Naviance. Access Codes are available from College Corner
Contact Information
College-related Question:
Brigid Gould – Lamar College Corner
CrIstal Hernandez – College Corner
*Most transcripts should be requested through Schoolinks. Schoolinks can be accessed through Canvas under digital resources.