Connecting by Sharing Concerns
Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School
Monday/Wednesday- January 28/30
Essential Question: What are my current academic concerns/obstacles?
Task 1: Identifying Concerns Round
- Students will answer on paper their current academic concerns/obstacles- students must be prepared to discuss these with the class
- The students will participate in a Circle Discussion in which they will share their response to the Essential Questions.
- Create a circle and make sure the students can all face each other and hear one another.
- Select an object that can serve as the "Talking Piece"- move the talking piece clockwise- only the person holding this object can speak; everyone else should be listening respectfully and silently.
- Assure that everyone has spoken, and because the advocacy group is large perhaps set a time of no more than 30 seconds of speaking time per student (10-12 minutes for the whole group to speak).
Task 2: Solution Round- if you can complete this round on the same day-then continue- if not, then finish the Solution Round on Wednesday
- Open the circle, this time students can provide advice and or solutions to one advocacy member (5-8 minutes for the round of discussion). Encourage students to provide concrete/realistic solutions to student problems
- Encourage students to discuss the challenges of more difficult/or dual-credit courses
- Students may also voice concerns/solutions faced with college courses
Reflection and Discourse
1. Why is it important to serve as each other's support system without judgement?