Degrees and Certifications:
Advocacy Lesson
Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School
Date -Monday/Wednesday- April 8 and 10
Essential Question: Why is it important to understand what matters to us?
Task 1: The Self
- Ask students: "What Matters to you?"- Examples: my family, my phone, food, being on vacation, health, friends, etc.
- Class leader: should write all the responses on a paper or board
- In small groups, have the students discuss the following questions:
- Why does _________________ matter to me?
- What would happen if I didn't have ______?
- Have each group share 2-3 examples of what matters to them and why.
Task 2: The Community
- Provide students with paper/markers or pens to complete the task.
- Students in groups of 2-4 will design the "ideal community". They will write down everything that will depict their community. They should brainstorm the top 10 things they want in their community.
- They will create a "Poster" of the 10 most important things their community must have.
- Student groups will share their community and explain why those 10 things are important to them.
Reflection and Discourse
Closing Discuss: “What can we do today to create this type of change for tomorrow?”