

Degrees and Certifications:

Advocacy Lesson (4 Day Plan)



Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School 

Date - Monday-Thursday - April 29, 30 and May 1, 2 

Essential Question: How comfortable are you with public speaking?  

Activity -(Writing/Discourse/Reading) 

Task 1The Power of the Stair  

  1. Have students stand in two lines facing each other, about 1 ½ feet apart from each other.  
  2. Explain to the pair, that they must maintain eye contact, remain silent for 1 minute. If any pairing laughs or otherwise breaks the silence and the eye contact, then the entire group will have to start all over.  
  3. Once, the entire class is able to complete the 1 minute of silence and complete eye contact, have the students "high-five" each other and have one of the groups rotate clockwise, so students have a new partner. (You may choose this same cycle up to three times).  
  4. After each student has had three different partners, as the following questions:  
    • How did you feel? 
    • Were there uncomfortable moments? 
    • Would you have done anything differently?  

Task 2  The Good and The Bad 

  1. On the board, write "good speaker" and "bad speaker," then ask the students the following questions: (remind students to use concepts like- tone, voice, posture, eye contact, body language/posture, content, attitude, etc.)  
    • What are the qualities of a good speaker? 
    • What are the qualities of a bad speaker? 
    • Do you have examples of people who you think are good or bad speakers?  
    • What was memorable about the good speaker's story/or speech? 
  2. Have a student leader write the responses on the board.  
  3. Allow 5-10 students to provide examples of good/bad speakers from media, personal life, etc.  

Task 3 The Impactful Memory  

  1. Ask the students to write down a memory (good, bad, painful, joyous, epic, hilarious, etc.)- they can just any important memory that is connected to their community.  
  2. Pair-Share- have students share their memory with their partner- they have 1 minute.  
  3. Now, ask the student to frame their story as to why they want to change their community. They should answer the following:  
    • What are the events/moments that have shaped you? 
    • If there was one thing you want to change in your community, what would it be? 
    • Why is the thing you want to change important?  
    • What do you need to make the change in your community?  
  4. Students should respond to these questions on paper- and align these ideas with their original story. Students should revise ideas and prepare to present their story.  

Task 4: My Story and Why it Matters  

  1. Each student will go to the front of the classroom and share his or her story.  
  2. Students should introduce themselves and the audience must pay attention. 
  3. Once the speaker has presented, all students must applaud.  
  4. Have the audience provide feedback- ways that the speech/or story can improve. Also, have students highlight what strengths were demonstrated by the presenter.  

 Reflection and Discourse - Closing DiscussHow did it feel to share your story? What was challenging? Why is public speaking important?