Degrees and Certifications:
Week 12 (Apr 1 and Apr 3)
Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School
Monday/Wednesday- April 1 and 3
Essential Question: Is it important for each US citizen to vote in all elections?
Task 1: Agree or Disagree
- Have all students stand up from their desk- then explain that you will read statements and if they disagree they will remain standing.
- Read the following statements:
- Voting is a right NOT a privilege
- People should vote even if they don't know the issues
- People should vote even if they don't know the candidates should vote based on political party
- I wish I could vote
- The votes of minorities and women have no impact on change
- Ask 2-3 volunteers from the Disagree and Agree to share their view
- Students must be respectful to each student's voice- no debating just sharing each volunteer's view.
- Read the following statements:
Task 2: Agree or Disagree
- Have all students stand up from their desk- then explain that you will read statements and if they disagree they will remain standing.
- Read the following statements:
- “I am sure that every one of my colleagues – Democrat, Republican, and Independent – agrees with that statement. That in the voting booth, everyone is equal.” – Barbara Boxer (Democratic Senator – CA)
- “A man without a vote is a man without protection”—Lyndon B. Johnson (36th president)
- “Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote”—William E. Simon (63rd US Secretary of Treasury)
- “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” – Pericles (Prominent Greek Statesmen)
- Ask 2-3 volunteers from the Disagree and Agree to share their view.
- Students must be respectful to each student's voice- no debating just sharing each volunteer's view.
Reflection and Discourse
Closing Discuss: Is it important for each US citizen to vote in all elections? (Has their view changed?)