

Degrees and Certifications:

Week 12 (Apr 1 and Apr 3)



Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School 


Monday/Wednesday- April 1 and 3 



Essential Question: Is it important for each US citizen to vote in all elections?  



Task 1: Agree or Disagree 

  1. Have all students stand up from their desk- then explain that you will read statements and if they disagree they will remain standing.  
    1. Read the following statements:  
      1. Voting is a right NOT a privilege 
      2. People should vote even if they don't know the issues 
      3. People should vote even if they don't know the candidates should vote based on political party 
      4. I wish I could vote  
      5. The votes of minorities and women have no impact on change 
    2. Ask 2-3 volunteers from the Disagree and Agree to share their view 
    3. Students must be respectful to each student's voice- no debating just sharing each volunteer's view.  

Task 2: Agree or Disagree  

  1. Have all students stand up from their desk- then explain that you will read statements and if they disagree they will remain standing.  
    1. Read the following statements:  
    1. “I am sure that every one of my colleagues – Democrat, Republican, and Independent – agrees with that statement. That in the voting booth, everyone is equal.” – Barbara Boxer (Democratic Senator – CA) 
    2. “A man without a vote is a man without protection”—Lyndon B. Johnson (36th president) 
    3. “Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote”—William E. Simon (63rd US Secretary of Treasury) 
    4. “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” – Pericles (Prominent Greek Statesmen) 
  2. Ask 2-3 volunteers from the Disagree and Agree to share their view. 
  3. Students must be respectful to each student's voice- no debating just sharing each volunteer's view.  

Reflection and Discourse 

Closing Discuss: Is it important for each US citizen to vote in all elections? (Has their view changed?)