Decoding an Academic Transcript
Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School
Monday/Wednesday- Feb 11/13
Essential Question: What are the benefits of understanding your transcript?
"How to Read a Transcript" and Reflective Response Activity
Task 1: Read- "How to Read a High School Transcript (EECHS)"
- Divide the reading of the article amongst the students. Have the students read the information aloud.
- Discuss any confusion students might have over the information provided in the article.
Task 2: Complete- "Reflective Response"
- First, teachers will explain the Reflective Response Activity. This activity will be used to guide the student through a better understanding of the information. Students may refer to the article to complete this task. [Advocacy teachers may select to have students work in groups or individually].
- Next, students must complete the Reflective Response activity on their own paper. Remember to use complete sentences and clear ideas to respond to each question.
- Finally, once the activity is completed, the Advocacy teacher will collect them for his or her files.
Reflection and Discourse
1. What information was most beneficial from the transcript activity?