Graduation Tool Kit
Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School
Monday/Wednesday- Feb 18/20
Essential Question: What are my graduation requirements from HS?
Graduation Information Handouts.
*The Lesson below is a suggestion, but junior/senior level advocacy teachers/students can create an alternative approach. Students may read the information as a class and discuss current issues/or concerns they are having with requirements for graduation.
Task 1: Read- "Graduation Plan Information"
- Divide the reading of the article into four groups: (An option is to have students number off from 1, 2, 3, and 4)
- Group 1- Graduation Program- Overview
- Group 2- Distinguished Level of Achievement-Benefits
- Group 3 - Endorsements-Choices
- Group 4 - Graduation Program- Checklists
- First, each student will read his or her assigned section, and then, students will create an effective summary outlining the key information. Allow 8-12 (have students write this on their own paper).
- Next, in their groups, students will discuss their findings. Then, the group will develop a group "poster" which will provide vital information from their assigned section. (Allow 8-12 minutes)
Task 2: Presentations- "Graduation Plan Information"
- First, each group will select a group representative or two representatives who will present the poster to the class. (Allow 3-6 minutes per group presentation)
- Next, allow other classmates to ask questions to each presenting group if further clarification is needed.
- Review, either the Advocacy Teacher or a Lead Student can use the visual provided to review key information.
Reflection and Discourse
1. What information was most beneficial from this activity?