

    Academic Reflection and POA 

    Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School 


    Monday/Wednesday- Feb 25/27 




    Essential Question: How do we reevaluate our initial short-term and plan of action for academic success?  




    Advocacy Goal Setting Handout

    Task: Student Reflection  

    1. The students will reflect on their academic concerns from their first six weeks. They should complete the "Advocacy Goal Setting Form- Spring  2019 (Six Week Review)" 
      1. First, students should provide the course name/grade received for the six-week period (see report card) for all of their courses. If students have HCC courses, then they need to determine what is their current grade.  
      2. Then, students should reflect on what obstacles/or hindrances prevented them from obtaining the grade they wanted/or for receiving a failing grade.  
      3. Next, students should reflect on at least one positive success/or achievement they have earned in each course. (Examples- I earned an 88 on Quiz 2 and passed Exam 1. OR I am building positive, helpful study groups in Algebra.)  
      4. Finally, students must provide their new, adjusted plan of action. This plan of action should be focused on what the student hopes to accomplish this six-week period. They should clearly state what Plan of Action (POA) will they follow to eliminate any obstacles, concerns, or issues. The POA can be done as a quick checklist- "To Do List" for improving a grade or other concern. However, make sure the student provides specific, clear steps. (Examples: I plan to attend math tutorials twice a week. I will complete all my English vocabulary two days before it is due. I will go to sleep an hour early these upcoming weeks. etc.)  
    2. Before leaving, make sure each student signs their handout/that the advocacy facilitator signs as well.  


    Task 2: Advising Students 

    1. The advocacy facilitator should conference with the students. This might need to be completed on the second meeting of Advocacy. But, teachers may begin to advise students on the first day as they begin to submit the form.  
    2. Students may work on academic work/tasks on the second day as the advising continues. During the advising period, teachers should help the student understand realistic goals, plan of actions. Remind them of tutorials, online resources, and effective communication with teachers/ professors.  
    3. The facilitator should hold on to the Advocacy Goal-Setting Forms.   

    Reflection and Discourse 


     1. “What adjustments must I make to assure that I am successful in all my courses?”