Connecting by Sharing and Playing
Advocacy Focus, East Early College High School
Monday/Wednesday- March 4 and 6
Essential Question: Why is it important to connect and bond with classmates, the teacher in Advocacy?
Task 1: Circle Discussions:
- Create a circle and make sure the students are all facing each other and can hear one another.
- [Optional] Select an object that can serve as the "Talking Piece"- move the talking piece clockwise- only the person holding this object can speak; everyone else should be listening respectfully and silently.
- Assure that everyone has spoken and because the advocacy group is large perhaps set a time of no more than 30 seconds of speaking time per student (10-12 minutes for each round)
- The students will participate in several Circle Discussion in which they will share their response to questions: -Round One: What are two successes and/or accomplishments you have earned this semester? (Academic, Personal, Professional, Athletically, and etc.) -Round Two: What is something you are looking forward to from the Spring Festival? (and for 10, 11, and 12 graders- continue with What is one of your best memories from a previous Spring Festival?) -Round Three: What is something exciting/or interesting you hope to do during the Spring Break?
Task 2: Team Building:
- Create a circle and make sure the students are all facing each other and can hear one another- all students should be seated- EXCEPT for one student who will start the game.
- The student who will start the game will assign each student, including themselves, a different fruit (apple, orange, and grape). Each advocacy can select the fruit types they want but only select three fruits. Every person playing must have a fruit assigned to them.
- Then, once everyone has been assigned a fruit- The person at the center or will state- "Fruit Basket- Fruit Basket- Upset (say a fruit type or two). Example: "Fruit Basket- Fruit Basket- Upset APPLES" OR "Fruit Basket- Fruit Basket- Upset Apples and Oranges" You may also state "Fruit Basket- Fruit Basket- Upset Fruit Basket" (This calls out all students)
- When a student hears his or her fruit called out, they must find a new seat-- the new seat must be at least TWO seats away.
- The person at the center must also find a seat after calling out a fruit. So, there will be a new person at the center, and they will repeat the process.
Reflection and Discourse
Task 1- What are the benefits of sharing our accomplishments and plans with advocacy classmates?
Task 2- How can interactive activities and games serve as a support system in advocacy?