Phone: 713-696-2720
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Rashida B. Davies
SRC and Health
Conference Periods: 3A and 1B
Ms. Rashida Davies graduated from Prairie View A&M University in 1996 with a Bachelors Degree in Health Education. A year later in 1997 Ms. Davies received her Master of Education in Physical Education. Thereafter she started teaching Health Education at Burbank Middle School for 5 years and was asked to move into the Physical Education Department. She then attained numerous roles such as but not limited to Assistant Principal Intern, SDMC Chair person, Discipline Committee member, Health facilitator, After School Detention Coordinator, Chaperon for all school events, WOW TAKS tutorials and Saturday tutorials, and Lead Teacher for summer school 2010-2011.
Ms.Davies also holds a Masters Degree in Educational Administration from Texas Southern University, 2002. Her current teaching certificates are Health and Physical Education 6-12 and Principal certificate E-12.