- Houston Independent School District
- Sign Up for Free Internet
Sign up for free high-speed internet
HISD is partnering with Comcast and Region 4 to participate in the Texas Education Agency's Connect Texas (TEACT) program. This is the second phase of Operation Connectivity, a statewide, TEA-led initiative to support Texas' 5.5 million public school students with an e-learning device and high speed internet sufficient for learning.
Complete the online form below to see if your family is eligible for free high-speed internet.
How to Apply
What is TEA Connect Texas (TEACT)?
Access to reliable internet has become an essential part of the education of every student in the state of Texas. That need continues as so many schools seek to close the learning gap brought on by the disruptions of 2020 and early 2021. For millions of students, the reliance on hotspots has brought temporary relief, but only with access to reliable high-speed broadband will these students have the tools they need to succeed. TEACT is committed to bringing reliable internet service to students throughout the state of Texas.
How is HISD working with TEACT?
Through TEACT, HISD was able to purchase fixed broadband internet lines at a discounted rate. These lines are being offered at no cost to students and their families who meet eligibility requirements. TEACT is supporting the adoption and installation of these lines to families.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Students who have no or inadequate internet service qualify. Student households must be in the Comcast service area.
How will students know if they are eligible?
A parent/guardian must sign up online or by completing this form and returning it to their school office. Upon receiving your information, HISD and Comcast will work together to determine if your household is eligible.
What happens after a student’s household is deemed eligible?
Eligible households will be notified by TEACT. The TEACT team will work with Comcast and the household to schedule installation.