- Houston Independent School District
- New For 2022-2023
Useful contacts
Main Number
713-556-6000Board Services
713-556-6121Parent & Community Assistance
713-556-7121Tip line
713-641-7446Buses (Transportation)
713-556-9400Closing of Schools
713-556-9595Crisis Intervention
713-923-8597Academic & Career Counseling
Directory of school counselorsHealth and Medical Services
713-556-7280School Choice
713-556-6734Multilingual Programs
713-556-6961Nutrition Services
713-491-5700Special Education
713-556-7025Superintendent’s Office
713-556-6734Inclement Weather Hotline
713-556-9595More contacts
HISD directories
Stay in Touch
Bookmark HoustonISD.org and your child’s campus website for news, calendars, and deadlines.
Text Messaging
Text “YES” to 68453 to receive weather bulletins and other important alerts. Keep your mobile number updated with your school.
Go to Twitter.com/ HoustonISD for fast news and highlights. Include @HoustonISD in your tweets.
Go to YouTube.com/ TheHISD to see what is happening on school campuses and around the district.
HISD remains committed to educating every student—regardless of their immigration status. No HISD personnel will ever report a student’s immigration status to authorities. Available resources can be found at: HoustonISD.org/CommunityResources