How to Update Your Personal Information Online

  • Modify your W-4 or change your address and phone number with just a few clicks

    If you have recently moved, changed phone numbers, gotten married, or had a baby, it might be time to update your personal information online.

    To do so, simply login to the employee portal, then click on the “Employee Services” tab. Under the “My Account” module, select either “Personal Data Maintenance” or “W-4 Electronic Submission.”

    You will be prompted to re-enter your portal password.

    To update your personal information, click on “edit address & phone,” make any changes necessary, then click “save changes.” A note at the bottom on the page will indicate when the changes will be reflected online.

    To update your W-4, click “modify my W-4 info,” make any changes needed, check the “I Agree” box, then click “submit.”

    If you have any questions, please call the HISD Help Desk at 713-892-7374 for assistance.