The conversation and efforts around educational opportunities and resources have shifted from equality to equity, with the recognition that, for students from historically disadvantaged circumstances, having equal access to opportunities and resources may not be enough to provide the support they need to achieve the same level of success as their peers. Recognizing the importance of ensuring that students are receiving the resources they need, the Houston Independent School District (HISD) is engaging in studies of equitable access to programming, resources, supports, facilities, and opportunities for their students.
The purpose of the Equity Project, conducted in collaboration with partners at the Houston Education Research Consortium (HERC), is to identify the mechanisms through which HISD and the broader Houston community can work to improve equity and ultimately eliminate gaps in achievement and attainment. Information from these studies will help guide district decision-making to improve equity for all HISD students.
Guiding Definition
For the purposes of this project, equity is defined as follows:
ensuring that all students receive the resources, supports, and opportunities they need to achieve success in school, career, and life. -
Guiding Research Questions
- To what extent are resources and supports in HISD distributed equitably across different groups of students?
- What role does access to and utilization of those resources and supports play in any differences in student outcomes?
- What measures can HISD, working alongside the broader community, take to achieve equity for all students?
Project Structure
This project will consist of a series of studies examined through an equity lens, across the research areas outlined below.* Multiple studies are occurring concurrently.
As HERC moves forward with each study, the researchers are meeting with HISD staff involved in the various topics of the study to develop the specific research questions and goals of the study, the data needed from HISD, a timeline for completion, a plan for communicating findings, and a theory of action for how the district intends to use study findings.
HERC has previously conducted a number of studies in the topic areas outlined below, indicated by an asterisk. The researchers are working in partnership with the HISD team to identify those studies which can be used in their current state to satisfy HISD’s questions in a given area, and those which need updated or new analyses to meet the district’s needs. All prior studies are available on the HERC website and can be provided upon request (http://herc.rice.edu/).
The results of each study will be shared publicly in the Findings tab of this page. Based on the needs of the district in each study area, the research products can include:
- Research briefs
- One-page study summaries
- A short slide presentation study summary
- Web-based presentations
*As a reminder, this list of topics is not intended to be fully inclusive of all potential research on equity, but a starting place for this first phase of the study.
Estimated Timeline
The proposal for each topic of study will include a specific timeline, with estimated dates of completion and preliminary results. Overall, the aim is for the Equity Project to be completed by Summer 2021.
Research Topics for The Equity Project
Financial Equity
- Per pupil spending*
- Other internal/external funding (grants, PTO/PTA, Title I funds)
* areas of previous or current HERC research
Human Capital
- Teacher & Principal Effectiveness and Retention
- Other staff
Academic & Extracurricular Programming
- College*, Career*, and Endorsement* Course Access and Availability
- School Choice*
- EL Programs
- Special Education*
- Gifted/Talented
- Arts*
- Pre-K*
- Summer school*
- Virtual/remote learning programming
- Athletics/extracurriculars
* areas of previous or current HERC research
Student Supports
- Wraparound Services*
- Social & Emotional Learning*
- Discipline*
- Counseling/College Advising*
- Health
- Mentoring Programs
* areas of previous or current HERC research
- Access to technology and high-speed internet
- Campus-level facility characteristics
- Transportation
- Nutrition
- School readiness/grade level preparedness for Fall 2020
- Changes in postsecondary enrollment for the graduating class of 2020