• Media

    Preparedness is the key. In this fast-paced, information-oriented city, the Houston Independent School District and its 200,000+ students are constantly making news. Reporters are eager to cover all that is happening in our schools. That can be a big advantage in building community support for our educational system.

    The key to working with the media is to try to make sure that coverage of HISD is balanced, fair, and accurate. That calls above all for preparedness and rapid response. To help HISD personnel be prepared to cooperate with media representatives and gain favorable media coverage, the Board of Education has adopted the official districtwide media policy. Among other issues, it covers (1) designation of spokespersons for HISD, (2) the role of the HISD Media Relations Department, (3) procedures governing media access to HISD facilities, (4) procedures for working with media personnel in emergencies, and (5) procedures for conducting interviews and recording visual images at HISD facilities.

Official Policy