- Houston Independent School District
- New Education System Schools
1. Staffing and Employment:
What is the process and timeline for current staff to reapply for their positions under the NES?
Be on the lookout on our HISD HR website or TeachinHISD.org for links to apply for the New Education System positions. These will be specific and tailored job descriptions, but will follow the standard HISD hiring process.
June 2023:
- Week of June 5th - principal selection begins
- Week of June 12th - teacher recruitment begins
- Week of June 19th - teacher screening
- Week of June 26th - teacher interviews/panels
- June 23: All NES principals are selected
July 2023:
- By July 3: NES Teacher Selection Finalized
Which positions will need to reapply for their roles at an NES School?
All school-based roles will need to reapply for their role at an NES. Roles that are not required to reapply include centrally housed operations roles, such as custodial staff, nutrition services, transportation services.
Roles Requiring Reapplication
Roles NOT Requiring Reapplication
- Principals
- Assistant Principals
- Teachers (Content, elective, Special Education)
- Counselors
- Para-professionals
- Office Managers / Clerical Support
- Registrar
- Teacher Specialists
- Media Specials
- Teacher Assistants
- Magnet Coordinators
- Interventionists
- Custodial Staff
- Nutrition Services
- Transportation Services
- Health Services (Nurse)
Is the job security guaranteed for new hires and those who have recently transferred?
If you are a teacher, counselor, librarian, assistant principal, or principal with a current contract and are in good standing with the district, you are guaranteed a similar position with a commensurate salary by the start of the 2023-2024 school year. If you do not have a current contractyou will need to reapply at your school or another school with an opening that matches your credentials and desires. You may then be selected for a role either at an NES campus or at a different campus.
Will current staff have opportunities to apply for different positions or schools under the NES?
Yes, you can apply for a vacant position in any school - whether they are NES or not.
What is the procedure for resignation if a teacher chooses not to return due to NES?
Employees looking to separate from the Houston Independent School District (HISD) are required to submit an official electronic voluntary separation form. The electronic voluntary separation form is accessible online through OneSource Employee Self-Service.
Contract employees seeking to resign must submit their electronic resignation form by July 14th, 2023, according to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code. After this deadline, Houston ISD can file a complaint with the State Board for Educator Certification, potentially leading to sanctions and restricted reemployment eligibility for up to two school years.
How to submit the electronic voluntary separation form in OneSource.
- Sign into OneSource using your district username and OneSource password.
- Select Employee Self Service
- Select Voluntary Separation under Contracts and Forms
- Fill out the requested information and click Send!
If you are eligible for retirement and have questions about the process, please contact the retirement storefront, at 713-695-5561.
How will the NES impact specific roles such as school counselors, paraprofessional staff, teacher specialists, media specialists, magnet coordinators, and administrative assistants?
Everyone must reapply for their jobs. If you are a principal, AP, teacher, counselor, or librarian on contract and in good standing, you will have a similar role with commiserate compensation at a school within HISD at the start of the 2023-2024 school year. If you are in any other role, you need to reapply, and may need to find a role at another school. Magnet programs and positions will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Who will be interviewing applicants?
All principal applicants will be interviewed by the Superintendent and the Division Superintendents.
2. Compensation:
What are the incentives and compensation and support available for NES teachers?
Teachers are empowered and compensated for doing what they need to do and do best: Teach. The following compensation and supports are outlined in the table below:
Average Middle School Teacher Salary: $81,400 - $86,400
Stipend to teach in NES: $10,000
Incentive pay for professional evaluation: $3,500
Stipend for summer professional development: $2,000
Note: Any previous stipends will be paused at this time.
Discipline handled by administrators
Lessons plans provided by curriculum developers (grades 2-10)
Copies made and papers graded by support personnel
Four periods of duty per month (75 minutes each time)
Differentiated compensation
Elimination of non-instructional tasks
Engagement of community consultants (for non-instructional subjects or electives)
Expansion opportunities for the reach of the best and brightest teachers
Additional support provided by “Apprentice Teachers”
Creation of Learning Coach position
Which roles are eligible for salary increases and stipends?
Roles Eligible for Salary Increase and Stipends
Roles NOT Eligible for Salary Increases and Stipends
- Principals
- Assistant Principals
- Counselor
- Dean of Students
- Teachers (Content, Special Education, Elective)
- Reading Interventionists
- ELD Interventionist
- Special Education Support
- Learning Coach
- Teacher Apprentice
- Dyad Coordinator
- Nurse
- Office Manager
- Asst. Office Manager
- Cafeteria Manager
- Custodial Staff
- Bus Drivers
- Copy Clerk
What are the salary scales for different roles and grade levels under the NES?
Salary Range
Minimum for 3yrs of Experience (Avg. Base Salary)
6th Grade ELA
6th Grade Science of Reading
6th Grade Math
6th Grade Science
6th Grade Art of Thinking
6th Grade Social Studies
7th Grade ELA
7th Grade Science of Reading
7th Grade Math
7th Grade Science
7th Grade Art of Thinking
7th Grade Social Studies
8th Grade ELA
8th Grade Science of Reading
8th Grade Math
8th Grade Science
8th Grade Art of Thinking
8th Grade Social Studies
Elective teachers
Reading Interventionist
ELD interventionist
Learning Coach
Teacher Apprentice
Will there be stipends and bonuses for bilingual teachers, elective teachers, and those involved in after-school programs under the NES?
The $10,000 stipend applies to all teachers within any NES school. Stipends for additional programs that have been allocated previously will be suspended at this time.
Will there be a pay increase for teacher assistants and co-teachers under the NES?
The Teacher Assistant role will be transitioned to the Teacher Apprentice role and will receive salaries based on the salary table above. Co-Teachers for Special Education will receive salaries based on the salary tables above.
3. Curriculum and Instruction:
How will the NES impact special education students and classrooms?
Special education students will have all of their IEP services met within the NES structure, but in an enhanced way. One of the priorities across the district is to greatly improve services for our students with special needs.
Will magnet programs continue under the NES?
These decisions will be made in the coming weeks. Magnet programs will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
How will the teacher evaluation system change under the NES?
The teacher evaluation system will be changing for all schools in the future.
Will there be flexibility in the curriculum under the NES, and will teachers be able to include projects?
Curriculum and lesson plans will be standardized for all NES schools. The lessons teachers teach and the pace at which content is delivered will be constructed by the school supports team. Within those lessons, teachers will have the ability to lead projects and other diverse learning experiences.
4. School Operations:
How will the NES impact athletic and fine arts programs?
Athletics and Fine Arts will not immediately change as a result of NES implementation.
Will there be changes to school start times and transportation availability under the NES?
At this time, we do not anticipate changes to school start and end times for the 2023 school year. Please note that free before and after school care will be provided from 6:30 AM to 5:00 PM, but those are not “school hours.”
Will there be changes to breakfast routines under the NES?
NES initiatives are academic and instructional improvements. There may be minor to breakfast and other routines to increase learning and instruction time.
What will be the class sizes in NES schools?
Becoming an NES school does not impact class size. You can anticipate they will stay roughly the same barring any dramatic changes in student population at the school.
5. Specific Schools and Programs:
Which specific schools will be reconstituted under the NES?
The following schools are NES-designated campuses:
- Kashmere High School Feeder Pattern:
- Berry ES
- Cook Jr. ES
- Elmore ES
- Kashmere Gardens ES
- Kashmere HS
- Key MS
- McGowen ES
- Roderick R. Paige ES
- North Forest High School Feeder Pattern:
- Forest Brook MS
- Hilliard ES
- Shadydale ES
- North Forest HS
- Wheatley High School Feeder Pattern:
- Atherton ES
- Bruce ES
- Dogan ES
- Eliot ES
- Fleming MS
- Henderson N ES
- Isaacs ES
- Martinez R. ES
- McReynolds MS
- Pugh ES
- Scroggins ES
- Wheatley HS
- Other:
- Patrick Henry MS
- Highland Heights ES
- Marshall ES
- Sugar Grove Academy
- Kashmere High School Feeder Pattern:
How will the NES impact schools that are currently performing well?
All NES schools will be impacted in the same way in order to improve and make consistent performance across the feeder pattern. We are ultimately going to improve performance for ALL students at the middle school and secondary level, so will immediately begin improving performance at all elementary schools.
Will there be changes to feeder patterns under the NES?
There will not be changes to where students are assigned to school as a result of NES, nor will NES impact which elementary schools feed into which middle schools, and which middle schools feed into high schools.
6. Training and Professional Development:
When will the August training take place and is it mandatory for all staff under the NES?
Professional Development dates for NES schools are August 7 - 11 and August 14-25. These dates are mandatory and staff will be compensated for their additional time.
What are the details about the AP summer institute under the NES?
All existing professional development will be paused at this time. Assistant Principals at NES Schools will attend training on August 7-11 and August 24-25.
7. Other Concerns:
How will the NES impact teachers' personal plans, such as maternity leave and summer travel?
Employees on approved protected leave, as outlined under the Family Medical Leave Act, will not be impacted. Summer plans should not be impacted unless they conflict with the required PD dates. If you have an immovable conflict during the teacher selection window OR summer PD schedule, reach out to your hiring manager. If a solution is not readily available, you need to consider applying for a role in another school outside of the NES.
How will the NES impact teachers' own children who attend the same school?
We do not anticipate any changes to your student as a result of them having a parent in the school. All NES students will experience the same enhancements of the standardized, high-quality curriculum, dyad experience, trips in the 7th and 8th grade, and well-rounded experience that will set them up for a future of success.
Who can I reach out to if I have any questions?
Please email questions to NESinfo@houstonisd.org