1. Staffing and Employment:

  • What is the process and timeline for current staff to reapply for their positions under the NES?

  • Which positions will need to reapply for their roles at an NES School?

  • Is the job security guaranteed for new hires and those who have recently transferred?

  • Will current staff have opportunities to apply for different positions or schools under the NES?

  • What is the procedure for resignation if a teacher chooses not to return due to NES?

  • How will the NES impact specific roles such as school counselors, paraprofessional staff, teacher specialists, media specialists, magnet coordinators, and administrative assistants?

  • Who will be interviewing applicants?

2. Compensation:

  • What are the incentives and compensation and support available for NES teachers?

  • Which roles are eligible for salary increases and stipends?

  • What are the salary scales for different roles and grade levels under the NES?

  • Will there be stipends and bonuses for bilingual teachers, elective teachers, and those involved in after-school programs under the NES?

  • Will there be a pay increase for teacher assistants and co-teachers under the NES?

3. Curriculum and Instruction:

  • How will the NES impact special education students and classrooms?

  • Will magnet programs continue under the NES?

  • How will the teacher evaluation system change under the NES?

  • Will there be flexibility in the curriculum under the NES, and will teachers be able to include projects?

4. School Operations:

  • How will the NES impact athletic and fine arts programs?

  • Will there be changes to school start times and transportation availability under the NES?

  • Will there be changes to breakfast routines under the NES?

  • What will be the class sizes in NES schools?

5. Specific Schools and Programs:

  • Which specific schools will be reconstituted under the NES?

  • How will the NES impact schools that are currently performing well?

  • Will there be changes to feeder patterns under the NES?

6. Training and Professional Development:

  • When will the August training take place and is it mandatory for all staff under the NES?

  • What are the details about the AP summer institute under the NES?

7. Other Concerns:

  • How will the NES impact teachers' personal plans, such as maternity leave and summer travel?

  • How will the NES impact teachers' own children who attend the same school?

  • Who can I reach out to if I have any questions?