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Share your feedbackNutrition Services in HISD The HISD Nutrition Services department serves a wide variety of healthy and nutritious meals that are designed to help out students grow and learn. Every morning HISD offers all elementary and middle school students a healthy breakfast to get the day started. During lunch many schools are now offering salad and taco bars, sandwiches, and a wide variety of foods to keep the students strong, healthy and ready to learn. Learn how parents can pay ahead of time for meals and keep abreast of their child's eating habits.Free lunch is offered at 169 campuses this year. For a list of schools and more information click here.
Menus Website & App!
Find all of the school meal information you need right at your fingertips. The app and website enables you to access the most updated school menus, nutrition information for every food item offered, allergens and more from the convenience of your mobile device or computer.