Attucks Middle School Students Cast Ballots in Mock Early Election

Students make decisions on presidential race and HISD schools bond

October 17, 2012

At Attucks Middle School, young voters had two clear winners at the polls: Barack Obama for president and the HISD schools bond.

Last week, students at the school held a mock election to decide the fate of the presidential race and the Houston ISD schools bond. Leading up to the election, in their social studies classes, the students learned about both of the candidates in the presidential race. They also studied up on the bond and received information about the political process, such as qualifications for voting and early voting deadlines.

L-R (Karneisha Jackson and Mercedes Anguiano)

Although the students voted by using paper ballots, they were also shown how to use an actual voting machine as well. Principal Deirdre Sharkey said the mock election was the perfect way to teach the students the importance of voting.

“We want the students to understand that they have a voice, and more importantly, their voice matters,” Sharkey said.

After the entire school voted, the students counted the ballots in their math classes. Members of the Alpha Kappa Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority helped organize and coordinate the election.