• HISD by Design Logo (Innovation. Sparked from Within).

General Questions

  • Who is eligible to apply?
    All Houston ISD employees in a teacher or teacher leader role are eligible to apply:
    • Teacher is defined as any certified PK-12 classroom instructor.
    • Teacher Leader is defined as any PK-12 campus-based administrator such as an assistant principal or dean, as well as counselors, graduation coaches, instructional specialists, college access coordinators, interventionists, etc.
    What is the application deadline?
    The priority deadline for HISD by Design is Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.
    Where can I access the online application?

    The application deadline is Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.

     Click here to apply

    Who can I contact if I need support?
    If you have questions or need additional information, please contact William Solomon at William.Solomon@HoustonISD.org / (713) 556-6746.

Support & Resources

  • I missed the webinar. Where can I access the information?
    To access the recorded webinar and PowerPoint presentation, click below:

     Webinar  PowerPoint

    What resources will be available to me, to help me succeed?
    Our primary goals with this project are to: (1) support and uplift our most vulnerable student populations in innovative ways and (2) cultivate teacher/teacher leader talent.

    To help you succeed, you will receive:

    • Funding for your project or program.
    • Mentorship from a senior district leader.
    • Support developing your business knowledge and skills.
    • Consultation to craft and carry out a business plan.
    • A structured timeline for implementing your project or program on-campus.

Timeline & Time Commitment

  • What is the general program timeline?
    • February 1, 2021: Applications open for HISD by Design
    • March 9, 2021: Attend an Information Session
    • March 24, 2021: Applications close for HISD by Design.
    • March 31, 2021: Deadline for references to complete your recommendation forms
    • April 14, 2021: Final interviews
    • April 21, 2021: Final selections-- all applicants notified
    • August 2021: Launch your project!
    When will applicants be notified of their status?

    All applicants will be notified of their status-- accepted or not accepted-- no later than April 21, 2021.

    Once the program begins, what is the general time commitment?
    • Complete general business development/training in Summer 2021 bi-weekly, to establish a baseline for your general business knowledge.
    • Work independently on your business plan, revising as needed prior to your August 2021 implementation.
    • Connect with your mentors at the leadership level at least once per month
    • Provide updates during the 2021-2022 school year on your project.
    • Provide a final report on your project during the 2021-2022 school year.
    • Inform Houston ISD of the materials needed to move forward with your project (if any).

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