Provide effective supports and sufficient funding to maintain and improve the safety of students and staff
Fulfill the state’s promise to Houston ISD in 2013, when TEA was ordering closure and annexation of North Forest ISD to HISD, to provide HISD with incentive aid and facilities funding
Increase the amount of the Early Education Allotment to allow school districts to provide both reading and math supports and Prekindergarten supports
Provide the necessary state resources, including adjusting the Basic Allotment for inflation, for school districts to recruit, retain, and compensate teachers and support staff
Provide incentives for institutions of higher education to work with school districts to create and sustain grow-your-own educator programs
Eliminate penalties on school districts that provide property tax relief, such as local homestead exemptions to homeowners
Require that local property taxes recaptured by the state be used to supplement the Foundation School Program and not be used to offset or supplant other state revenue used for public education
Provide school districts with flexibility and sufficient additional funding to effectively implement HB 4545
Provide meaningful assessments that are beneficial for instruction and that accurately measure student progress
Jessica Morffi Deputy Chief of Staff
Houston Independent School District 4400 West 18th Street Houston, Texas 77092