HISD offers full-day FREE Pre-K for eligible 3- and 4-year-old children.
Start enrollment now!
Pre-K seats are still available! Call your nearest school to ask if they have seats, then choose one of the options below:
Option 1 - If you are applying to a school with seats available, click HERE to fill out the enrollment application or click HERE to print out the enrollment application, then submit to your school OR
Option 2 - If you are applying to a school with no seats available, click HERE to fill out the ChooseHISD application and your child's name will be added to the waitlist.
Click below to witness the magic of a day in the life of our Pre-K stars!
Early Childhood Department
4400 West 18th St.
Houston, TX 77092
Email: EarlyChildhood@houstonisd.org
Application Support : 713-556-4393
Twitter: @HISDECH
Marisol Castruita, Early Childhood Director
See our Facebook content to watch interactive videos about HISD Pre-K and discover fun learning activities to do with your future Pre-K student!