• PowerUP
  • One-to-One Laptop Distribution

    In early 2013, HISD Superintendent Terry Grier announced his vision to provide every high school student at HISD with a laptop for learning at school and at home. Phase one of the program, involving 11 high schools and nearly 18,000 laptops, is now complete and phase two begins during the 20142015 school year. By 2016, every student at every high school will have a laptop.

    The one-to-one laptop program is a key component of HISD’s PowerUp initiative, which aims to transform teaching and learning throughout the district. By providing students with 24-hour access to a digital device, students can become the producers and evaluators of knowledge, not just consumers. The laptops will allow them to locate, evaluate, and interpret information, as well as collaborate with others to engage in authentic, real-world tasks. Most importantly, the students will develop the skills they need to compete in today’s 21st-century economy.

      Phase One (20132014 school year)
    Teachers at 11 schools received laptops in August of 2013 and trained for an entire semester before students received their devices in January of 2014. Teachers at these campuses will continue to receive regular training and support on digital instructional techniques and web-based tools they can use to create a rigorous, personalized, and engaging classroom. The following schools are in phase one.
    • Austin
    • Bellaire
    • Chavez
    • The Energy Institute 
    • Kashmere 
    • Lee
    • Madison
    • Sam Houston
    • Sharpstown
    • Young Men’s College Prep
    • Young Women’s College Prep
      Phase Two (20142015 school year)
    Teachers at 21 high schools will receive laptops in August 2014 and will train with instructional technology and teacher development specialists. Students during the first semester will receive instruction on digital citizenship, cyber safety, and the care of their laptop. Parent nights will be held in the fall and both students and their parents will be required to sign an acceptable use agreement and pay a non-refundable $25 security deposit. The following schools are in phase two.
    • Carnegie
    • Challenge Early College
    • Davis                  


    • East Early College
    • Eastwood                  


    • HAIS
    • Jones
    • Lamar
    • LECJ 
    • Liberty
    • Long
    • Milby                   


    • Reagan
    • Sharpstown International
    • Scarborough
    • South Early College 
    • Waltrip
    • Westbury                  


    • Westside
    • Wheatley
    • Yates
      Phase Three (20152016 school year)

    Students and teachers at all remaining HISD high school will receive laptops.