• Educators need to teach their students to respect the rights and privileges of other students, teachers and District staff members.
    • Research shows that children have to have thousands of ethical conversations before they can make ethical choices, so teachers must use every opportunity in the classroom to discuss what is right. 
      • Instead of being mean and ugly to another person, a student chooses to be kind. He or she makes sure that shy and lonely students are treated respectfully. 
      • If a student doesn’t have anyone to eat or play with, a student should befriend him/her. He or she will step in and help a student who is being mistreated by a bully.
      • Students need to be taught to be brave enough to do the right thing, and will need to understand that their actions will gain them respect from others and for themselves.
    • Make it clear to students that bullying will not be tolerated in the classroom, in the hallways, on the playground, or anywhere at school.
    • Ensure students that if anyone has a problem with bullying that he/she can talk to you about it in person or by writing you a note about what happened.
    • Immediately take action when you see bullying, name calling, or harassment happen in your presence. 
Last Modified on January 13, 2017