- Houston Independent School District
- Enroll Online Landing Page
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I find my zoned school?
Visit School Finder and enter your address. The School Finder tool will provide a list of your zoned elementary, middle, and high schools. School Finder also includes information about each campus, such as programs and extracurricular activities that are offered to students.
Do I need an email address to enroll?
Yes, go to Google or Yahoo. To create an email account, you will need to provide your name, verify your phone number, and then create an email address with a strong password.
I am new to the district. How do I enroll in a school that is not my neighborhood school?
For new students applying for a magnet or school choice transfer, complete the online application at HoustonISD.org/SchoolChoice
What do I do if my neighborhood school or grade level is capped?
If a program in a grade level is capped at a school, there is a designated hub, or overflow, school with available space. Personnel at the zoned school will determine the designated hub school and initiate the capped school student transfer. Campus personnel will direct the family to the designated hub school, confirm space, and initiate the student transfer.
For more details, please see the What Is a Capped Grade/Program quick guide.
What is a capped grade/program?
When a program in a grade level is capped at a school, that program is at its class size limit.
What documents are required to enroll?
Please have the following available to enroll:
- Parent Identification: Driver’s License, Passport, Military ID, etc.
- Student Identification: Social Security Card (if available), Birth Certificate, Passport, Baptismal Records, etc.
- Proof of Address: Current Rental Lease or Mortgage Statement, Utility Bill (not including internet).
- Proof of Grade: Prior Academic Records, Final Report Card(s), Final Transcripts, etc.
- Immunization Records: Doctor’s Records or other Official Record of Vaccinations.
What if I do not have a valid driver’s license? What other types of parent identification can be used if I do not have the ones listed?
It is not required for a parent or guardian to have an identification document with a matching address to the address being used as proof of residence. A passport, or expired identification card, is sufficient to establish the identity and birth date of the parent/guardian. Such documents may not have current address information which can be provided through the other documents listed. It is not required that a parent have Texas-issued identification, such as a driver’s license.
Other forms of identification accepted:
- Texas Driver's license or ID card; (unexpired or expired)
- Driver's license or ID card issued by another U.S. state, U.S. territory, the District of Columbia
- Passport or Passport Card
- Texas Department of Criminal Justice ID
- United States issued Employment Authorization Card
- Permanent Residence Card
- Military Identification Card
How do I fill out the student verification form?
For current students returning to HISD for the 2022 - 2023 school year, Student Verification forms will be completed via HISD Connect Parent Portal Account.
- Sign in to your HISD Connect Parent Portal Account.
- Click on the tab for your student.
- On the left side of your Parent Portal screen, click on the link for Student Verification 2022-2023
- Enter your student’s date of birth.
- Begin the Verification Form.
What if I do not have my student’s academic records from the previous school?
If academic records are not available to verify the student’s entering grade level, a temporary grade placement can be made so long as a Temporary Grade Placement Form is completed and filed with other enrollment documents.
What vaccinations are required to enroll?
For the list of all required vaccinations, please view the Texas State Vaccination Requirements.
All immunizations must be completed by the first date of attendance. The law requires that students be fully vaccinated against the specified diseases. A student may be enrolled provisionally if the student has an immunization record that indicates the student has received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine required by this rule. A student must not be overdue for the next dose in a series to be considered provisional. To remain enrolled, the student must complete the required subsequent doses in each vaccine series on schedule and as rapidly as is medically feasible and provide acceptable evidence of vaccination to the school.
What if my student is not up to date on immunizations?
Except as provided by the TEC, 38.0019 (c), a K-12 student is required to be fully immunized against certain diseases. Students who have initiated required immunizations shall be provisionally enrolled. Students who are homeless, in foster care, in CPS custody, military dependents, or who are transferring from another Texas school may be admitted for 30 days pending initiation of immunizations.
I am a foster parent. Can students in foster care enroll?
Per TEC §25.001(f) and (g), a child placed in foster care by an agency of the state or by a political subdivision shall be permitted to attend the public schools in the district in which the foster parents reside.
What is the Determination of a Residence of a Minor (DRM)?
In order for a person under the age of 18 years to establish a residence apart from their parent, guardian, or other person having lawful control of them under an order of a court, a DRM form must be submitted. The Determination of a Residence of a Minor form is notarized by an authorized district employee. For more information on DRM, please contact the Office of School Choice.
What is the McKinney-Vento Act?
Per the McKinney-Vento Act, a student is defined as homeless if their family is living in temporary or transitional housing: hotel, motel, car, homeless shelter, shelter not designed for human habitation, such as a tent, or doubled-up with another family. Homeless students shall be immediately enrolled regardless of availability of standard documentation.
We live with someone else and do not have our name on a residence document. What document can we provide instead?
A student who lives with their parent or legal guardian and whose family does not have their own residence and lives together with another family, friend or other arrangement must provide proof of residence with a Statement of Residence completed at the school. If unable to provide proof of residence as required by Board Policy, you may qualify as homeless under the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Act. Therefore, the parent or guardian will complete a statement of residence at the school site. School staff must process the Statement of Residence, which does not require a notary.
Who can I contact with enrollment questions?
You may contact your neighborhood school. You may also contact the Student Enrollment Department at 713-556-4826 or Enroll@HoustonISD.org
How do I get transportation for my child?
Each request for transportation services must be properly submitted to and processed by the appropriate campus transportation contact person. Please contact your student's campus administrative office, and they can assist you with any questions you may have on eligibility and requesting transportation services for your student.
Neighborhood Schools: Students who attend their zoned schools and who reside two or more miles (as measured along the shortest route that may be traveled on public roads) from their assigned campuses are eligible for transportation services at district-designated stops.
Magnet and Transfers: Resident district students who attend magnet programs on approved transfers and who reside two or more miles (as measured along the shortest route that may be traveled on public roads) from their assigned campuses are eligible for transportation services at district designated stops.
Special Education: Students eligible for transportation to special education programs are resident district students with disabilities, impairments, or both who are eligible for special education services and who would be unable to attend school and benefit from their special education programs of instruction without the availability of specialized transportation. To be eligible for special education transportation, a student must attend the closest available program to the zoned school of attendance and have:
- A written Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee recommendation requesting specialized transportation services and stating the specific type of transportation services necessary to reasonably accommodate the student's disability or impairment; and
- An Individualized Education Program or Individualized Family Service Plan that includes the written recommendation of the ARD committee requesting specialized transportation services.
Homeless and/or Foster Care Students
Each request for transportation services must be properly submitted to the Homeless Education Office. McKinney Vento eligible or foster care transportation requests must be submitted via the Student Assistance Questionnaire. Please contact the Student Assistance Office for assistance or with any questions you may have on eligibility and requesting transportation services for your student.