• Adopt a school


  • There are several different ways to get your congregation involved at nearby schools.

    • Support school performances & sporting events
    • Supply lunches for staff during appreciation weeks
    • Host a food or hygiene item drive
    • Welcome students to school
    • Provide refreshments for a school meeting
    • Fund a scholarship
    • Volunteer in classrooms

    Adopt a school

    By adopting a campus through VIPS, you can dedicate your time, efforts, and resources to a school near you. Here’s what you are committing to :

    • Completing volunteer service hours at school
    • Providing event support (attending sporting events and special performances, supplying meals for meetings, etc.)
    • Gathering donations (school supplies, non-academic needs, as needed, etc.)
    • Building a trusting and supportive relationship with school stakeholders



  • To join us in this effort, contact VIPS Administrator, Hector Ramirez at hector.ramirez@houstonisd.org or 713-556-7206 for additional details.