How the Board Conducts Business

  • The School Board meets at least once a month during the school year (except July) to adopt, review, and modify policies and to receive input from staff and the community. All meetings are posted at least 72 hours in advance by the Office of Board Services. The regular monthly board meeting is held the second Thursday of every month (except July) in the board auditorium at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center, beginning at 5:00 p.m. To confirm a meeting date, contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.

    Order of Business

    1. Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Commendations/Recognitions
    4. Speakers to Agenda Items
    5. Hearing of the Community (public comment)
    6. Discussion and Report Items
    7. Action Items (items that require a vote)
    8. Board Member and Superintendent Reports
    9. Closed/Executive Session (optional)
    10. Adjourn

    Public Comment
    The School Board welcomes members of the community to speak on subjects related to the school district. Community members can address the board at any board meeting regarding topics on that meeting's agenda. At regular monthly board meetings, speakers may address a district-related subject whether it is on the meeting agenda or not. For more details, see How to Speak at a Board Meeting.

    Closed/Executive Session
    Meetings of the HISD School Board are conducted in accordance with the state's Open Meeting Law. Although all meetings are open to the public, the law also permits the convening of a closed/executive session, a portion of a meeting not open to the public. Closed/executive session matters pertain to personnel, real estate transactions, student hearings, negotiated contracts, consultation, and/or legal issues.