Community Outreach

  • The HISD Police Department is committed to building strong relationships with students, staff and the community that we serve in order to build trust, identify potential problems, and foster coorperation to resolve issues of concern. We appreciate receiving input from our stakeholders and are committed to ensuring that the needs of the community are reflected in our policies and daily operations. 

    Some of our community outreach goals are to: 

    • Establish relationships/partnerships with safety related organizations;
    • Meet with formal community organizations and other community groups. 
    • Serve on School Safety committees;
    • Meet with department personnel to clarify their roles and responsibilities in community outreach;
    • Assist in the development of community involvement policies and programs for the agency;
    • Work with the HISD departments to publicize agency objectives, problems, and successes;
    • Suggest improvements to agency practices and training that impact police community interaction. Training needs can be identified through interviews with citizen representatives, consultations with those involved in internal investigations, and conferences with supervisors.