TSDS Data Standards for Leavers

  • The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires Texas school districts to submit leaver records for students served by the district in grades 7-12 during the prior school year and who do not enroll in the district during the school-start window of the current year (from the first day of school through the last Friday in September).  A record is not required for grades 7-12 students who were enrolled during the prior year and are enrolled in the school-start window of the current year. HISD is not required to report leavers and movers who were in grades EE-6 during the prior school year unless a student was reported for even 1 day in grades 7-12 then later reclassified to 6th grade.

    Districts must document the withdrawal of students and maintain on file the appropriate paperwork associated with student withdrawals. Documentation is required for all leaver reason codes. Documentation supporting the use of a leaver reason code must exist in the district at the time the leaver data are submitted, i.e., no later than the PEIMS Submission 1 January resubmission date. 

    Campuses should review the TSDS Web-Enabled Data Standards for guidance regarding leaver coding and documentation.

Leaver Forms and Documents