Special Meetings and Board Workshops

  • For special meetings held after March 6, 2023, official agendas/meeting notices, packets, minutes, and videos are available at https://houstonisd.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx.

    Agendas/meeting notices in Spanish and other materials in English and Spanish will continue to be posted below.

    All meetings other than the one held regularly on the second Thursday of every month are classified as "special meetings."  Meetings that fall under this category include workshops, workshops/hearings, the annual retreat, the budget workshop, luncheons, or any other event at which a quorum (five or more board members) is present.  Workshops and workshop/hearings are opportunities for high-level administrators or other direct reports to present information to the board or to provide board members with updates on current programs or initiatives.

    Additional materials not included with the original agendas but presented to the board will be added after the meetings as soon as they become available.

    You will need the free Acrobat Reader program to view the agendas. The "Official Agenda" PDFs are large files.

    View the Board Meeting Calendar.