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FSC Training Documents
Opening of Schools for 2024-2025 Updated 8/8/2024
2024-2025 Opening of Schools PowerPoint
2024-2025 Opening of School Packet
Opening of Schools 2023-2024
2023-2024 Opening of Schools Preparations Materials (Job Alike August 2023)
2324 Opening of Schools Packet[UPDATED]
2324 Opening of School SLIDE DECK
2022-2023 Training Calendar
2021-2022 Grading Process Training
- Grading Process Training (11 11 2021
- Grading Open Lab Training (9.8.22)
2021-2022 PEIMS Training
- TSDS Fall PEIMS Training
- PEIMS Leaver Training PowerPoint
2022-2023 Opening of Schools Preparations Materials
- 22-23 Opening of Schools Training
- 22-23 Opening of Schools Training Packet
2020-2021 Training Materials
- Membership Transaction Log (2020-2021)
- Attendance Overview Training (2020-2021)
- Attendance Policies and Procedures (2020-2021)
- Attendance Procedures for the First Week of School (PowerPoint)
- No Show Process for Elementary Schools
- No Show Process for Secondary Schools
- Daily Attendance Change Form
- ADA Attendance Change Form
- Period Attendance Change Form
- PEIMS Discipline Training PowerPoint (2022-2023)
- Discipline Policies and Procedures (2020-2021)
- Instructions for Creating Discipline Incidents in HISD Connect
- Online Enrollment PowerPoint (2020-2021)
- Online Enrollment Technical and Manual Process (Revised 7/13/2021)
- 2020-2021 Enrollment Training for Campus SIRs (Job Alike)
- Grading Process PowerPoint (2020-2021)
- Grading Process Document (Revised 3/12/2021)
- Grading Process Document (Revised 10/9/2020)
- Grading Requirements - HISD School Guidelines
- PEIMS Leaver Documentation Requirements by Leaver Code
- PEIMS Leaver Documentation Guidelines and Requirements
- Student Enrollment Reconciliation PowerPoint (Cycle 1)
- Student Enrollment Reconciliation Process (Cycle 1)
- Student Enrollment Reconciliation Process (Cycle 4)
- Summer PEIMS PowerPoint
- Summer PEIMS Timeline
- TSDS Unique ID Enrollment Tracking PPT (2022-2023)
- TSDS UID Cheat Sheet
- Getting TEAL Access
- Student Demographic Change Form
- Steps on Requesting Unique ID Search Access