Vanguard Banquet
Hacienda Bella Terra
The Third Annual Vanguard Banquet was held on May 19, 2017 at the Hacienda Bella Terra. It was a beautiful, warm night, and our parents and teachers came together to celebrate the achievements of our Vanguard students. Our seven-stars campus has been a witness to the successes of this wonderful group of students during the year. After our Vanguard Coordinator Ms. Cortina welcomed everyone to the event and after an inspirational address by our Band Director Mr. Wilford Glenn, everyone settled down to enjoy a delicious dinner.
Our Principal Mr. Knittle wished all our students the best of luck in their future, especially the eighth graders as they move on to High School. Our guest speaker Ms. Nguyen, spoke of the difficulties she had growing up and how keeping her goals always present in her mind kept her motivated and helped her achieve success. She helped our Vanguard Academy teachers congratulate the students who had earned certificates, medals, and trophies as they came up to the front to receive their awards.
Following the distribution of awards, the tables were cleared and it was dancing time! Students, parents, teachers, everyone took to the dance floor to show their moves. Thank you to Ms. Cortina and Ms. Zepeda for organizing such a delightful event. Enjoy the pictures!