Health Education

  • All Health Education classes are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Health Education.

    In accordance, and in compliance with the Texas Education Code and Board Policy EHAA(LOCAL), the Houston Independent School District provides human sexuality instruction as part of its curriculum in 4th through 12th grade and anti-victimization instruction as part of its curriculum in Kindergarten through 12th grade. The district is confident the information presented to students on this topic is age and grade-level appropriate; however, parents have the right to view the curriculum and/or remove their child from this instruction. The opt-in consent form will be sent out by each campus and it is also in the HISD Parent Portal for electronic signature. Information about the curriculum materials to support human sexuality and child anti-victimization instruction is included below along with the instructional timeline.  Additional information related to the opportunities for parental involvement in the development of curriculum resources on these topics, and/or information on the district's School Health Advisory Council, please visit the Houston ISD’s SHAC webpage. 

    Parental Consent Form English

    Parental Consent Form_Spanish

    Teachers should send home a form allowing parents to opt-in for the Human Sexuality and Anti-Victimization topics in advance of teaching the unit. Parents can also complete the Parental Consent forms via PowerSchool

    Human Sexuality


    Adopted Curriculum Resources 

    Instructional Window

    4th - 5th Grade

    Quaver Health and PE

    6th Grading Cycle

    6th- 8th Health

    Goodheart-Wilcox Health Skills- MS Health

    Last 2 weeks of each grading Cycle (6 Week Pullout in Physical Education)

    High School Health Courses

    Goodheart-Wilcox Health Skills- HS Health

    Parenting and Paternity Awareness (P.A.P.A)

    6th Grading Cycle



    Adopted Curriculum Resources 

    Instructional Window

    K-5th Grade

    Quaver Health and PE

    Last 6 weeks of the 2nd semester

    6/ 7/8th Grade Health 


    Texas Health Skills for Middle School

    6th Grading Cycle

    High School Health


    Texas Health Skills for High School

    6th Grading Cycle

    Elementary School Health Education is taught as part of coordinated school health utilizing the Quaver Health and Physical Education Textbook Online resource. Quaver Health and Physical Education presents an innovative and school-wide approach to health and physical education skills instruction for kindergarten through 5th grade. Quaver Health and Physical Education includes interactive lessons, body and brain warm-ups, gym games, assessments, and original, upbeat music to bring health lessons to life. All are age and developmentally-appropriate, considering children’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth over time. To preview the opt-in lessons from Quaver PE/Health, click here. For more information about QuaverHealth•PE, contact

    Middle School Health Education 
    Goodheart-Wilcox Texas Middle School Health Education: The goal of middle school health education is to provide instruction that allows middle students to develop and sustain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. Understanding and applying these standards will enable students to gather, interpret, and understand health information; achieve health literacy; adapt to the ever-evolving science of health. There are essential skills that repeat throughout six strands and embody the interconnection of health literacy. These skills include decision-making, problem-solving, goal-setting, maintaining healthy relationships with self and others, seeking help and support, and recognizing various influences on health such as social, environmental, media, and genetics. Students will gain an understanding of health information and skills through six strands: physical health and hygiene; mental health and wellness; healthy eating and physical activity; injury and violence prevention and safety; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and reproductive and sexual health. Goodheart-Willcox Texas Health Skills for Middle School Companion Text curriculum textbook materials will be utilized to support middle school health instruction.  For more information about Goodheart-Wilcox Texas High School Health Skills,

    High School Health Education
    Goodheart-Willcox Texas High School Health Skills Companion Text resources will be utilized to support human reproduction/development and child anti-victimizations instruction in high school health classes. Educating students to develop healthy behaviors and skills today can improve their overall health and contribute to patterns of wellness that will extend into adulthood. To help guide students along the path to healthy living, Goodheart-Wilcox assembled an award-winning author team to create the most current and comprehensive high school health program. Together, they developed a contemporary, student-focused, research-based approach to health education. Their expertise, combined with the input of Texas-based teachers and professionals, provides students with relevant, age-appropriate resources—created especially for Texas! The full curriculum can be reviewed on your student’s campus.  For more information about Goodheart-Wilcox Texas High School Health Skills,

    Parenting and Paternity AwarenessHigh School Health Education

    The 80th Legislature passed HB 2176, which directs the State Board of Education to work with the OAG to develop a parenting and paternity awareness program that school districts must use in the high school health curriculum, effective the 2008-2009 school year.

    Parenting and Paternity Awareness (p.a.p.a.) is an evidence-based, educational curriculum designed for young adults. It teaches them the benefits of waiting to become a parent until after they have completed their education, started a career, and are in a stable, committed relationship.

    The p.a.p.a. program is a way school districts can comply with state law requiring high-school health to include a parenting and paternity awareness curriculum.

    The curriculum focuses on:

    • The importance of father involvement

    • The value of paternity establishment

    • Legal realities of child support

    • Financial and emotional challenges of single parenting

    • Benefits of both parents being involved in a child's life

    • Healthy relationship skills

    • Relationship violence prevention

    Parental Consent: If we do not receive your signed consent on or before the instruction is scheduled to begin, or you indicate that you do not consent, your child will not receive human sexuality and/or anti-victimization instruction. Instead, your child will participate in an alternative instructional activity and will not be subject to disciplinary action, academic penalty, or other sanction. If you believe the District has violated Texas Education Code Section 28.004(q-5), you may file a grievance complaint with the District pursuant to Board Policy FNG(Local).

    Vaping Resources: CATCH My Breathe is evidence-based youth vaping prevention program with published evidence of reducing students’ likelihood to vape. Aligned to national and state education standards, CATCH My Breath can be taught by individuals who serve youth in grades 5-12, including educators, local and state government agencies, public health specialists, and community volunteers.