Gifted and Talented Appeals

  • Appeals Process
    An appeal is a request for a campus or district-level committee to review additional information regarding a student’s qualifications for the gifted and talented (G/T) program. 
    A parent may appeal an identification decision by submitting in the following manner:
     Level I (Campus) - An appeal can be filed based on a testing irregularity.  If a parent wishes to appeal the results, they must complete the G/T Eligibility Appeal Request Form and submit it to the G/T coordinator at their testing campus within 15 district days of receiving the results letter. 
    Level II (GT Department) - After completing the first level appeal, the parent may initiate a second level of appeal to the G/T Department. Second level appeals to the G/T Department must be made within 15 school days from the date of the Level I campus notification of placement or non-placement letter in the GT program. Appeals must be made in writing through the G/T Department Appeals Form. HISD G/T Department Appeals decisions are final. Parents will be notified of the appeal decision made by the office of the Gifted and Talented Department.
    The G/T Department holds appeals meetings to review student data against any new evidence submitted and their appeals decision will be given within fifteen (15) school days of the appeals meeting.
    Conditions for an Appeal
    · Testing irregularity – an inequitable or inappropriate application during the testing process is alleged or documented accommodations were not provided

FAQ (K-12)

  • What is an “appeal?”

  • Who may request an appeal?

  • How do you file an appeal?

  • What are the levels of a G/T Eligibility appeal?

  • What does the campus do after receiving the request for an appeal?

  • What decisions may the G/T committee make?

  • What is included in the appeal response?

  • How will I know the decision of my appeal by the G/T committee?

  • What is the next step if I do not accept the Level I appeal decision?

Preguntas frecuentes (K-12)

  • ¿Qué es una “apelación”?

  • ¿Quién puede solicitar una apelación?

  • ¿Cómo se presenta una apelación?

  • ¿Cuáles son los niveles de una Apelación de la Elegibilidad G/T?

  • ¿Qué hace la escuela tras recibir una solicitud de apelación?

  • ¿Qué decisiones toma el comité G/T?

  • ¿Qué se incluye en la respuesta de la apelación?

  • ¿Cómo sabré la decisión que toma el comité G/T sobre mi apelación?

  • ¿Qué debo hacer si no acepto la decisión de la apelación de primer nivel?