- Houston Independent School District
- Advanced Placement
- AP World Languages
- Belief. Guiding Principles. Mission
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ALL students deserve an education in world languages and cultures that empowers them to become effective global communicators.
Provide Equity of Access - All Houston ISD students deserve access to a high-quality language education that includes any of the languages offered in the district: American Sign Language, Classical Languages (Latin) and Modern Languages (Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese).
Prepare Global Citizens - All Houston ISD students deserve access to an enriched world language curriculum and an educational experience that sets them up for success in the global community, be it in college or competing in today’s global workforce.
The mission of the World Languages Department is aligned with the district, state, and federal mission to:
- Educate students to become global graduates. (HISD)
- Prepare students for college and career readiness. (State of Texas).
- Provide students with a well-rounded education. (ESSA)
The HISD World Languages (LOTE) Department believes that educating the whole child and empowering students to become successful global communicators must include equitable access to high-quality language instruction. The department defines this vision as a "Global Citizen" Education.
An HISD global graduate is: a leader, a skilled communicator, a responsible decision-maker, adaptable and productive, a critical thinker, and a college-ready learner. [1]
"According to the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning, advanced level language proficiency is necessary for college and career readiness. To that end, students should have uninterrupted, consistent access to early standards-based learning experiences in languages other than English." (TAC, Ch. 114) [2]
"The term `well-rounded education' means courses, activities, and programming in subjects such as [...] foreign languages, [...] and any other subject, as determined by the State or local educational agency, with the purpose of providing all students access to an enriched curriculum and educational experience.'' (ESSA, Sec. 8002 (52)) [3]
[1] HISD Global Graduate: https://www.houstonisd.org/globalgraduate
[2] 19 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 114, http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter114/ch114a.html
[3] Every Student Succeeds Act, Section 8002, (52), https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-114s1177enr/pdf/BILLS-114s1177enr.pdf