• Titles I, II & IV, Part A

    The mission of the External Funding Titles I, II & IV Department is to support schools by providing opportunities for all children to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in challenging state content and performance standards. This mission includes supplementing academic areas, especially in reading and mathematics; promoting schoolwide reform; increasing staff development opportunities; distributing resources to areas and campuses where needs are the greatest; affording parents meaningful opportunities to participate in their children's education; and aligning the schools' instructional efforts with those of the state and district.

    All department efforts ensure that support is provided for schools and students with the greatest need and that the school district remains in compliance with fiscal and programmatic regulations. See the resource links below for additional information.

    The purpose of Title I, Part A is to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards, regardless of economic status. Title I is the government's attempt to provide all children with the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close the achievement gap.

    ESSA divides Title I into five parts:
    • Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies (LEAs)
    • State Assessment Grants
    • Education of Migrant Children
    • Prevention & Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk
    • Flexibility for Equitable Per-Pupil Funding
    The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards; improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders; increase the number of effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders. The intent of the funding is to support educators in their work to improve the overall quality of instruction and ensure equity of educational opportunity for all students.

    All Title II, Part A resources are centralized to support the district's professional development needs.
    The purpose of Title IV, Part A, is to increase the capacity of state education agencies, local educational agencies (LEAs), campuses, and communities to meet the following three goals:
    • Provide all students access to a well-rounded education
    • Improve academic outcomes by maintaining safe and healthy students 
    • Improve the use of technology to advance student academic achievement