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Accommodated Assessments


Accessibility Features and Designated Supports are available in OnTrack online assessments. Accessibility tools provide students with alternative ways of viewing and interacting with assessment contents so it is accessible by all students. Designated supports allow for several types of assistance to support students’ understanding of selections, assessment questions, and answer choices. [Read more]

Accommodated Assessment Overview







Identify students in your classrooms that qualify for accommodations. Use their IEP, as well as their 504, LPAC and IAT recommended classroom supports to determine which accommodations should be enabled.



Demonstration VideoOnline Assessment and Tools (3min)


Demonstration VideoDesignated Supports Available (3min)

Track Student Accommodations using a roster or this example Excel spreadsheet 







Accommodation Profiles can be created for different subject areas so that when a test is activated for an online tester their accommodations are pre-enabled based on their profile. A profile can be created for ELA, Math, and Other, where other applies to any subject besides ELA and Math. 


Video: Create or Edit Accommodation Profiles (3min)


Task Card: Create or Edit Accommodation Profiles


VideoEnable Accommodations for Individual Students (3min)



Activating Assessments: Students must have their tests activated for them to find an available test when they login to OnTrack. 


Video: Activating Assessments and Individual Accommodations (3min)


Task CardGiving Online Assessments


  • AKO (Answer Key Only) assessments do not support Text to Speech, Popups, Rollovers, highlighters, or dictionaries/ pictionaries.
  • Item Bank and ExamView assessment types support all online accessibility features and designated supports. 

Task CardOnline Test Tools and Available Accommodations



Students Access To OnTrack



Assist Students to login to OnTrack from their PC, Chromebook, or iPad using their HISD network account. Use these task cards to learn how students access OnTrack from a shared PC or from an individual PC. 

Task Card: Student Online OnTrack Access Process 

Video: Student Online Assessment Access  (4min) [AKO and Item Bank]

Task Card: How Can Students Login to OnTrack



Other Resources



Some open-ended, rubric, constructed response items may need to be scored by the teacher from an OnTrack's online scoring input. Since these accommodations were provided online, use the task card below to assist with entering rubric values for online testers.


Task CardScore Constructed Response Items

Video: Score Constructed Response Items (4min)

Teacher Created Assessment Accommodations in OnTrack

Share this video to help teachers to:
  • Add special pronunciation of words or formulas for text-to-speech
  • Enable/disable passage text-to-speech
  • Add/edit popups and rollovers
  • Add online resources as PDF (Formulas, reference materials, etc)


For OnTrack support, please contact the Service Desk (