Academic Performance

  • The Texas Education Agency (TEA) Accountability System is a method for evaluating school districts and campuses with regard to their performance on certain "base indicators." A school district may be rated as Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable, or Low-performing. Classification is based upon student performance indicators using TAKS passing rates and dropout rates. These indicators are used to provide 21 possible performance measures for all students and for African American, Hispanic, White, and Economically Disadvantaged student groups. The school district receives its rating based on the performance of its "lowest" indicator.

    The Houston Independent School District (HISD) Accountability System was a method of evaluating campuses with regard to both performance and progress. The system started in 1993 and remained in effect through 2003. A campus could receive a Current Performance rating of Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable, Low Acceptable, or Low Performing. Progress or growth beyond the previous years' results impacted the Progress Rating assigned to a school. The Current Progress ratings were Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable, Minimal, and No Progress. From 1993 to 2001 the Current Performance rating was based upon a school's TAAS performance. Beginning with the 2002 ratings, performance on the Stanford 9 and Aprenda 2 was also included in the calculations. The Current Progress rating for secondary schools also included changes in attendance and dropout rates. For 2003, TAKS replaced TAAS, so no progress rates were given.

    Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is the accountability component of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Department of Education requires that all states rate their public schools based on whether or not they made adequate yearly progress in reading and math on the state's assessment and on one additional indicator. Both performance and participation in reading and math is evaluated in terms of all students and six student groups: African-American, Hispanic, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Special Education, and Limited English Proficiency. For elementary and middle schools, the additional indicator is attendance. For high schools and districts, the additional indicator is the four-year longitudinal graduation rate based on a ninth-grade cohort. Ratings given are "Met AYP" or "Needs Improvement."

    Full descriptions of accountability system models, as well as district and school profiles, are available from the HISD Department of Research and Accountability at 713-556-6700.