- Houston Independent School District
- TRS Retirement Counseling
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TRS/Retirement News
HISD Retirement Counseling
The process of retirement from TRS, after many years of dedicated employment to the district, is potentially a very stressful event if an employee does not have the proper understanding of the paperwork and options that are available. The decisions that are made at the time of retirement are non-reversible and will affect the rest of the employee’s life.
Important Steps:
1. Contact TRS to verify TRS retirement eligibility, then (if eligible) request your retirement packet. Be sure to confirm your years of service and the top 3-5 highest salaries are accurately reflected in the TRS system.
2. After completing and submitting your retirement packet to TRS, contact HISD Savings & Retirement Office at least 2-MONTHS PRIOR TO THE RETIREMENT DATE set with TRS. HISD retirement forms will be provided upon request.
**HISD Retirement Forms are not online. Available upon request.**
The handbook, supplied by TRS, is a 72-page document on everything from the DROP program to the TRS health care benefits. More specific information about TRS health care benefits can be found in another handbook published by TRS. In most cases, it is a daunting task for employees to read and understand these publications without questions and corresponding answers and because TRS is based in Austin it places added stress on employees to travel there for answers. For instance, the decisions that must be made or considered at the time of retirement include the following:Selecting joint and survivor payout Members can select from 5 different benefit options. This decision is irreversible. Partial lump sum options Some members can choose to receive 12, 24, or 36 months of their benefit payments up front. Purchasing of service credits Withdrawn service and other types of service can be bought in order to enhance retirement benefits. Life after retirement Many potential employees have the misconception that they can return to work, after retirement, without limitations.If you are an active employee, you must work with our Retirement Storefront for the proper coordination of processes within HISD.You must sign the proper paperwork with the Storefront in order to be retired from HISD. This would include a request to be paid for any leave time you are eligible for, which is only payable upon RETIREMENT (not resignation).Retirement does not happen automatically with HISD. You must complete the HISD retirement forms after submitting your retirement packet to TRS.
Contact Information
Jessica SerranoSr. Retirement CounselorPhone: 713-695-5561Fax: 713-556-6662Office Hours:Monday – Friday8 a.m. – 5 p.m.TRS: 1-800-223-8778