- Houston Independent School District
- Partnerships and Support
Our Partners
For a campus to provide an Arts-Rich Education, it must cultivate support throughout the Arts-Rich Ecosystem. When all stakeholders coordinate their work, the quality of the fine arts education is amplified. The HISD Fine Arts Department would like to thank the foloowing organizations for their support of our students and their artistic development.
Arts and Culture Partners
Aperio, Music of the Americas*
Blaffer Gallery (University of Houston)
Community Artists' Collective*
Community Music Center of Houston*
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston*
Diversity in the Arts & Entertainment*
Hobby Center for the Performing Arts*
Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts
Houston Center for Photography*
Houston Metropolitan Dance Center*
Houston School of Arts and Design*
Institute of Contemporary Dance
MECA (Multicultural Education and Counseling through the Arts)*
Orange Show Center for Visionary Arts*
Rising Stars Academy of Dance & Performing Arts*
ROCO (River Oaks Chamber Orchestra)
Social Movement Contemporary Dance*
Society for the Performing Arts*
SWAMP (South West Alternate Media Project)
Texan French Alliance for the Arts*
* Strategic Partners through Arts Connect Houston
Regional University Fine Arts Departments
Advocacy Organizations
If you are an organization that suppots HISD students through the arts and would like to be included in this list, please reach out to Wenden Sanders, Fine Arts Director at WSANDER1@HoustonISD.org.