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Texas Education Agency
Dance Organizations
The TAHPERD is committed to the development of knowledge and programs that promote active, healthy lifestyles and enhance skilled, aesthetic motor performance.The TDEA is committed to providing a professional learning community where innovative ideas in the field of dance are celebrated.National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
NDEO is an autonomous non-profit organization dedicated to promoting standards of excellence in dance education.Center for Educator Development in Fine Arts (CEDFA)
The CEDFA promotes student achievement by providing professional development opportunities based on state and national standards in art, dance, music, and theatre.Music Organizations
Texas Association of Mariachi Educators
Texas Choral Directors Association (TCDA)
Texas Guitar Directors Association
Texas Jazz Educators Association
Texas Music Administrators Conference
Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA)
Texas Music Teachers Asociation
Texas Music Therapy Association
Texas Orchestra Directors Association
The CEDFA promotes student achievement by providing professional development opportunities based on state and national standards in art, dance, music, and theatre.Theatre Organizations
Texas Educational Theatre Association (TxETA)
The TETA, Inc. strives to use all the resources available to strengthen our teachers, and build on existing programs around the state to continue to improve the quality of theatre education in the state of Texas.American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE)
AATE promotes standards of excellence in theatre and theatre education and supports the power of the creative experience.Educational Theatre Association
The Educational Theatre Association and its International Thespian Society branch have been working since 1929 to honor excellence among students of theatre and support the work of theatre educators.Center for Educator Development in Fine Arts (CEDFA)
The CEDFA promotes student achievement by providing professional development opportunities based on state and national standards in art, dance, music, and theatre.Visual Arts Organizations
Texas Art Education Association (TAEA)
TAEA provides opportunities to gain new insights, share our passion for art, and develop relationships by connecting teachers to teachers.National Art Education Association (NAEA)
NAEA is a non-profit, educational organization that promotes art education through Professional Development, Service, Advancement of Knowledge, and Leadership.Center for Educator Development in Fine Arts (CEDFA)
The CEDFA promotes student achievement by providing professional development opportunities based on state and national standards in art, dance, music, and theatre.