- Houston Independent School District
- Fine Arts Areas
- Arts Integration
Arts Integration
The Houston ISD Fine Arts Department is committed to supporting arts-rich campuses throughout the district through high-quality fine arts instruction and across the curriculum, including language arts, math, science, and social studies. Arts Integration is an approach to teaching that intentionally aligns learning in the arts with all other content areas. This alignment creates an engaging and dynamic learning environment that supports the whole child.
The Fine Arts Department promotes integrating the arts into the foundation curriculum by supporting the creation and dissemination of arts-integrated lessons, fostering partnerships with outside non-profit arts organizations and teaching artists, providing professional development to teachers and campus leaders, and creating a community of like-minded educators that wish to deepen their use of the arts within their daily routines.
Teachers and campus leaders interested in learning more should contact any fine arts coordinator at 713-556-6823 or HISDFineArts@houstonisd.org
Arts Integration Framework
Arts Integration Support
The HISD Fine Arts Department is here to serve the HISD community. You can contact any fine arts coordinator for arts integration and STEM/STEAM support for all teachers on your campus.