Orientation and Mobility

Framework (What’s Required):

  • Orientation and Mobility (O&M) is a very important component in the spectrum of services provided to students with visual impairments. In addition to the general education that all students receive, students with visual impairments, starting at birth, also need the Expanded Core Curriculum to meet needs directly related to their vision disability (NASDSE, 1999, p. 70). O&M is one of the related services within the Expanded Core Curriculum for students with visual impairments. Movement, independent or supported, is critical for learning.

    Orientation & mobility (O&M) is recognized in IDEA 2004 as a related service, which may be required to assist a student with a visual impairment to benefit from special education. Orientation and mobility specialists provide instruction to students whose visual impairment has adversely affected their ability to travel. It is a necessary skill in the achievement of independence. "Orientation" is the ability to know where one is and how to get to a desired location. It includes body awareness concepts, spatial concepts, and environmental concepts. "Mobility" is the ability to safely navigate from one's present location in the environment to one's desired location in another part of the environment.


    It includes skills such as sighted guide, self-protective techniques and cane skills 34 CFR §300.304(c)(4) requires that “the student is assessed in all areas related to the suspected disability” and34 CFR 300.304(c)(6) requires that “the evaluation is sufficiently comprehensive to identify all of the student’s special education and related service needs”.

Persons Responsible:

  • Campus Interventions Assistant Team, Manager of Services for Students with Visual Impairments, Program Specialist—Team Lead of Services for Students with Visual Impairments, Educational Diagnostician for Students with Visual Impairments, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist


Methods (What We Do):

  • District offers a continuum of services for students with visual impairment who require orientation and mobility as a related service. They include: 

    • general education classroom with consultative and/or direct instructional services from a teacher of the visually impaired
    • general education classroom with consultative and / or direct instructional services from a certified orientation and mobility specialist
    • a combination of general education and special education classes with consultative and/or direct instructional services from a teacher of the visually impaired
    • a combination of general education and special education classes with consultative and / or direct instructional services from a certified orientation and mobility specialist

    The components of services for students with Visual Impairment who require Orientation and Mobility as a related service: 

    • are determined by the ARD/IEP Committee
    • are based upon individual needs of student
    • can include infants/toddlers as determined by the IFSP
    • can include services from a certified orientation and mobility specialist as determined by ARD/IEP Committee
    • can include technology support related to visual impairments

    District personnel have knowledge and competencies in the following areas: 

    • extent to which significant vision loss impacts access to the general education curriculum;
    • extent to which significant vision loss impacts communication and social skills;
    • extent to which significant vision loss impacts access to body awareness concepts, spatial concepts, and environmental concepts;
    • extent to which significant vision loss impacts access to safely navigate from one’s present locationto one’s desired location;
    • alternative methods of communication;
    • specially designed instruction;
    • accommodations and modifications;
    • Technology supports related to visual impairments.
